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Auteur: Szymon Grzesiak

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Szymon Grzesiak

Head of Marketing Technology

Marketing expert with over 10 year experience in SEO and SEM campaigns. Last years mostly worked on the B2B lead acquisition. Wordpress webmaster with HTML and CSS knowledge. LinkedIn Profile

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Vergelijk 7 gratis webanalyticsplatforms (inclusief product analytics)

oktober 7, 2021

Vergelijk 7 gratis webanalyticsplatforms (inclusief product analytics)

Prestaties en kenmerken Functionaliteit vs. betaalde versie Naleving van privacy- en veiligheids-voorschriften Actiegrens Piwik PRO Core goed 500k Google Universal Analytics (GA3) goed 10M Google Analytics 4 (GA4) goed geen Matomo On-premises zeer beperkt hangt af van server Countly Community zeer beperkt hangt af van server Mixpanel goed 100k Woopra ok 500k Toegang tot onbewerkte […]

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[EN] How multi-channel attribution works in Piwik PRO

maart 1, 2021

[EN] How multi-channel attribution works in Piwik PRO

As someone investing in dozens of channels – social media, search advertising, email, blogging and more – you want to know which are giving the best return on investment.

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[EN] Raw data and sampled data: How to ensure accurate data

januari 19, 2021

[EN] Raw data and sampled data: How to ensure accurate data

Every decision maker seeks insights and knowledge to steer their organization in the right direction. Data from your website, sales figures and customer feedback let you see a story that, when combined with accurate data, reveals paths towards achieving your business goals. In this article we will dig deeper into raw and sampled data

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[EN] Free comparison of 7 enterprise-ready customer data platforms

januari 19, 2021

[EN] Free comparison of 7 enterprise-ready customer data platforms

Customer data platforms have proved their worth as a vital technology in marketing. They create a single customer view by stitching together sources of fragmented user data. CDPs assist marketers to generate a better customer experience, driven by precise information on user behaviors across every touchpoint.

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[EN] E-commerce in transition – providing a safe customer experience

augustus 18, 2020

[EN] E-commerce in transition – providing a safe customer experience

E-commerce is one of the most popular shopping methods worldwide. Many innovations and improvements led to its esteem, but above all to its success. GDPR on the other hand changed the landscape, increasing fear of revenue slumps – but the opposite is the truth.

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[EN] How to analyze multi-channel attribution in affiliate marketing using raw data

juni 22, 2020

[EN] How to analyze multi-channel attribution in affiliate marketing using raw data

Learn about the ins and outs of multi-channel attribution. Find out how raw data helps you measure and analyze attribution to improve your business strategy.

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[EN] 3 ways to track single-page applications (SPAs) with Tag Manager: a step-by-step guide

mei 8, 2020

[EN] 3 ways to track single-page applications (SPAs) with Tag Manager: a step-by-step guide

Find out how you can use a tag manager to track single-page applications. Learn how to configure and take advantage of Virtual Pageviews and Custom Events for better tracking.

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[EN] Piwik PRO vs. Matomo (Piwik): The most important differences explained [Updated]

april 16, 2020

[EN] Piwik PRO vs. Matomo (Piwik): The most important differences explained [Updated]

In this blog post we discuss the most important differences between Matomo and Piwik PRO. Read it to find out which product better suits your needs.

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Segmenten en gegevensbereiken vergelijken in Custom Reports voor betere inzichten in Analytics

april 9, 2019

Segmenten en gegevensbereiken vergelijken in Custom Reports voor betere inzichten in Analytics

Met analytische software bij de hand zijn marketeers goed uitgerust om hun tactieken te bepalen en een weloverwogen beslissing te nemen. Een geweldige tool hebben, is echter niet genoeg: het belangrijkste is om er het meeste uit te halen om het voor uw specifieke behoeften te laten werken. In de post van vandaag zullen we […]

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